• NZ's Largest Stock of Photo Products Available Now in Store
  • 100% NZ Owned & Operated est.1987
  • Real People Who Know and Love Cameras Instore and Online
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Tax Free

Save paying GST, No airport fee's or surcharges applied  

We can offer tax free sales  when leaving New Zealand through Auckland International Airport, minimum purchase is $600.00 but this can include a camera and eligible accessories.

You can now order online. Add items to the shopping cart, when you select delivery option  " Tax Free Auckland international airport " It will remove the GST from the total. You will need your flight details and passport number to complete.


We can now offer Tax free again on All flights leaving NZ from Auckland Airport.   

 If you are traveling overseas and departing the country through Auckland International Airport we can sell to you at the excluding GST prices as shown on this website. The goods are sent to Auckland airport for you to collect once you have cleared immigration.

 Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can you do Tax Fee on everything ?

  • The only brands we can't offer tax free on are  DJI, Ricoh, insta360, GoPro and ZeissRemember this also has to be carried on the plane as carry on luggage so some items wont be available due to size.

                                  Tax free is not available for second hand goods. 

    Q. How much do I save?
  • All goods sold in NZ are subject to 15% GST, by buying tax free you don’t have to pay the GST. All products on our website show the including GST price and above it the excluding GST price, when buying tax free you pay the excluding GST price. There are no fee's , commissions or any other charges.  

Q. Can’t I just purchase a camera across the counter and claim the GST back at the airport when I leave?

  • Unfortunately not, while many countries allow you to do this New Zealand isn’t one of them.

Q. What warranties and backup support do I get with buying tax free from Photo Warehouse?

  • All camera gear sold by Photo Warehouse is sourced through the official factory appointed New Zealand distributors, you will get the full manufacturer’s warranty as offered in NZ with some brands having up to 3 years. You also have cover under the Consumer Guarantees Act. If you purchase overseas the warranty is generally valid for the country of purchase&you won’t have any protection or rights under the CGA if the product fails outside of warranty.

Q. How long before I travel do I need to make the purchase?

  • We have to arrange and courier the goods to the airport to be available for your flight so ideally at least 6 days prior - if it’s less than that please call 09 3032148 and we will see if we can still get your product there in time.

Q. What happens if I get to the airport and my camera is not there?

  • This hasn’t happened to date, but in the event it did rest assured we will get the camera back from the airport and offer you a 100% refund.

Q. Can I purchase Tax Free online

  • Yes you can,  add the items to the shopping cart, when you select delivery option of Tax Free Auckland Airport the shopping cart will automatically remove the GST.   

 For all questions relating to NZ customs laws& Regulations around Tax free please follow this link to NZ customs website   


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